Get to Know ME with Amy Rose

November 21, 2023

Motivation Excellence

Amy Rose is the subject of our latest Get to Know ME segment. She started at Motivation Excellence in our client marketing department eight months ago and quickly became involved in our Events Committee. She helps plan fun events for our teams in the Schaumburg headquarters in addition to helping clients bring their programs to life. In the blog below, and the attached 3-minute video, Amy Rose really opens up about what makes her truly unique. You’ll definitely learn a lot and perhaps look at people in your life in a new way!

What’s your current title and how long have you been in the incentive industry?

I am the Creative Services Program Manager and have been in the incentive industry since I started with Motivation Excellence in March 2023!

What do you like about your job?

The uncapped creativity and being able to work with, and bounce ideas off, everyone around me — never a dull moment!

What’s something you want to share about the people you work with at Motivation Excellence?

The authenticity that flows within the office space is amazing. All my colleagues are wonderful to work with and I love that everyone has a voice and is encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas. 

What’s a specific moment in your history that always stands out as a defining moment, and why?

Getting (late) diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It was a pivotal moment knowing that there wasn’t anything wrong with me. I have spent my whole life masking just to fit in and looking back, all the food aversions, sensitivity with materials (clothing, blankets, etc.) and being non-verbal as a child were overlooked as being picky and shy. The disconnect I experienced was due to having a brain that functions differently than neurotypical brains. I was diagnosed in high school with ADHD, but I still felt something was off or missing. The inhibition and inability to explain that was highly vexing — often resulting in silent screams in group settings and uncontrollable tears behind closed doors. 

A recently new, unofficial term has been floating around: AuDHD, as it wasn’t until 2013 that you were able to be diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD. My current goal is to actively promote awareness. It is crucial for our society to enhance its knowledge to eliminate the stigma associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and the additional conditions that often coexist with them. Logical Processing, published in July 2023 by Autism Understood, is an article out of the United Kingdom explaining how most people’s brains work in a similar way to a Windows Operating System, but that Autistic brains are more like a Linux Operating System. 

Below is an example of what an Autism Spectrum Wheel/Circle can look like (image from Nera Birch’s article).

What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?

Hmm there’s quite a handful, lol — I’m ambidextrous, I’m a freelance Makeup Artist (MAC Cosmetics trained). I love, love, LOVE to Cosplay!! BUT, I would say the most unknown and unique talent I have is being able to visualize the sounds of music in color, a condition called Synesthesia.

A collage of women with white paint on their face

Description automatically generatedA collage of a person with different makeup

Description automatically generated

What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?

Having the ability to wake up each day and view it as a new beginning while reminding myself that most people – including myself – fall victim to concocting false narratives of themselves, even down to a microscopic level. Inflating a false narrative will hold you back from doing the things you want to do or accomplish. Failure is part of life — embrace it, as success doesn’t happen without it!

Below are two of my favorite motivating quotes:

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” — Master Yoda

“Try again. Fail again. Fail Better.” — Samuel Beckett 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love outdoor sports, specifically rollerblading, ice skating and in recent years, skiing! I like hiking and camping too; one of my favorite hiking trails is the Alum Cave in the Smoky Mountains. I also enjoy going to museums, the movies/drive-in theatres, watching TV shows, reading novels, comic books, drawing, animating, video editing, writing, and hanging out with my dog (Pluto), boyfriend/friends/family, going to concerts and conventions!

One thing that always makes you laugh is?

Two things:

  1. This interview:
  2. This commercial:

If you’ve never seen either, you’re welcome!

What’s a bucket list item you can’t wait to cross off?

Visiting New Zealand, specifically Matamata where Hobbiton (The Shire) is located — can’t wait to step onto the lands where The Lord of The Rings trilogy was filmed!! Apparently, you can host special events there, so the goal is to celebrate my 40th birthday on-site by partying like a Hobbit! And when I check that off my bucket list, I’ll get a tattoo of the coordinates (S 37° 52′ 19.524″, E 175° 40′ 58.476“); what an adventure that’ll be!

This month, our theme for social media is Gratitude. Do you incorporate any gratitude habits into your life? If so, give us an example. 

I practice gratitude every morning; this helps me start the day with a positive mindset and fosters a greater appreciation for the little joys in life.

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