Get to Know ME with Kathy Krawczyk

June 19, 2024

Motivation Excellence

We’d like you to meet our Get to Know ME subject this month: Kathy Krawczyk! Kathy is one of those people you meet and instantly become friends with. She’s curious, talkative and ready to connect on a personal level. She sat down for a recorded interview and provided answers to questions below. Take a few minutes to get to know our recently hired Travel Sourcing and Planning Manager. Thanks Kathy!

What’s your current title and how long have you been in the incentive industry?

I am a Travel Sourcing and Planning Manager; I have been in the meeting/incentive industry for over 25 years.

What do you like about your job?

I like that I’m still learning after all these years.  It keeps every day interesting, sometimes challenging, but everyone should have a challenge here and there.

What’s something special about how you grew up?

I’m an only child and because of this, I have eight friends that have been there for me since grammar school.  I have two friends in particular who I met when I was five and they are truly my adopted family (along with their 6 brothers).

What’s a specific moment in your history that always stands out as a defining event, and why?

On a personal level it was marrying Al after knowing him for 15 years.  We dated when we were very young, separated and then got back together.  Two other events that I’ll always recall as defining: New Year’s Eve 1999 hoping New Year’s Day 2000 was going to be normal as usual after all the hype. And 9-11, who could not have been affected by that.

What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?

I used to sing in a guitar group back in the day and love to dance (my friends call me the “Dancing Queen”).

What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?

I love seeing the outcome.  With any event, whether personal or at work, you plan and plan and then when it all comes together, I just sit back and take it all in.  Sometimes it can bring on a little depression for a day or two knowing it’s over but then onto the next one (especially after my two daughters’ weddings).

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Spending time with my family and friends, traveling, making my mom’s old recipes, shopping (what woman doesn’t like this), and just hanging with my husband Al.

One thing that always makes you laugh is?

Hard to say, I love to laugh.  Some old memories make me laugh every time I retell them.  My friends say I have a contagious laugh.

What’s a bucket list item you can’t wait to cross off?

Traveling to Germany and Prague, and eventually retirement!

This month, our theme for social media is “How to be Influential.” Do you have influence with people in your life (family, friends, colleagues), and how do you best protect it?

I think when your family calls you when they need advice or have questions, especially your children, it means you have influenced them by teaching them over the years and they feel very comfortable still asking for advice.  I feel the same with friends. I protect this by keeping trust between all of us, telling it is like it is.

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