Relax and Take a Moment for Yourself
Our blog is updated monthly with a variety of posts that highlight our industry expertise, our employees and professional growth topics. It’s a great place to lose yourself and get inspired!
A lot of us start the New Year (or new month, or new week… you get it) with intentions to get and stay organized. We’re here to help with that task, and since it’s apropos, this blog is organized into sections so you can skip right to where you want to go! But first, let’s […]
We recently wrote about our take on the strength of incentive travel in 2024 (spoiler, it’s good!). With a mixture of some client budget caution during an election year, expected rising levels of hospitality service, and stabilizing domestic airfares, our team is confident 2024 will be the first year in several to look and feel […]
It’s always fun to introduce a NEW member of our team with our Get to Know ME segment. Michelle Ebner joined as VP of Finance toward the end of 2023 and was promoted to Co-CEO and Co-President in the summer of 2024. Read below, and watch her short video, to learn about her first career […]
We’ve had a lot to talk about over the last four years in our incentive travel industry! 2023 was packed with programs that had to be rescheduled from 2020 and 2021. As we close out this year, and rev up for next year, there are a few key areas to keep an eye on in […]
December is a natural month to look back at your year and take note of the good, the bad and the ugly. Reflecting much more often, though, is associated with many benefits for your personal and professional worlds. Let’s dive into this amazing soft skill that can create waves of positive changes when incorporated regularly […]
In the United States, November is the BIG month for gratitude, with Thanksgiving starting off the holiday season through the end of the year. But research shows living a life of thankfulness ALL year is truly beneficial to your health. Robert Emmons is the leading scientific expert on gratitude. Through his research, he and his […]
Bre Chambers is not a fan of being recorded, but she knocked our Get to Know ME recording out of the park this month! Be sure to watch her two-minute video and read below to get to know more about our spirited Travel Coordinator out of the Traverse City office. Thanks, Bre, for sharing how […]
Perception is more than a visual sense. Is the Uno card showing a 6 or a 9? You know that where you’re sitting in relation to the card might change what you see. And while visual perception is important (there’s credence to the saying, “Dress for the job you want”), how your gut instinctively feels […]
We’ve all been on the receiving end of heart-plummeting conversation starters like: “We need to talk…” “Please come into my office for a few minutes…” “There’s something I need to tell you…” “Close the door behind you…” Did your tummy get a little queasy reading any of those? While the recipient legitimately can feel instant […]