5 Tips for Turning a Thought Shower into a Brainstorm
The benefits of a good brainstorming session are numerous! Whether you do it solo, or in a group, taking time to generate a wide range of ideas leads to diverse solutions and creative innovations. The best part about this exercise is its flexibility – you can do it at any...
Avoiding Workplace Harassment Is Everyone’s Responsibility
Everyone in the workplace contributes to the culture of the environment. This is especially true when it comes to harassment and bullying. While unpleasant behavior from a coworker might not rise to the level of being illegal, it can definitely strongly affect the mood at...
Know Your Learning Style for Best Results in Life
We really never stop learning. There’s always a trendy gadget to understand or a change in work policy to incorporate or new slang in use…so truly, whether you consider yourself a lifelong learner or not, we are all forced to learn big and little things throughout life....
Effective Delegation Brings Liberation to Your Workday
Are you ready to cross some items off your to-do list? Jot this at the top: “Learn how to delegate.” Then keep reading, and by the end you’ll be ready to draw a line straight through it!
The Many Benefits of Delegation
Delegation does not mean pushing your work...
Manage Risk to Maximize Your Possibilities
We live with risk, every day, in multiple ways. Many we know about, like, running with scissors, crossing the road without looking both ways, and eating too much sugar. We make choices to avoid potentially disastrous outcomes: holding the scissors in a safe manner while...
InFLUence is Contagious – It’s OK to Spread It!
Nowadays, being an influencer is a bona fide job in the social media universe. But being influential doesn’t always have to involve selfies, shares and likes in the brick-and-mortar world. Great leaders know the difference between influence and authority, and between...
Cultural Awareness, Competence and Intelligence – Which Do You Have?
When we speak about culture in a business setting, we are often referring to the general vibe of the company. It may be comprised of its goals, mission and vision statements, employee interactions and added non-cash company benefits, like charity days, and reward and...
Track Your Own Footprints to Improve Our Carbon Emissions
What exactly is a carbon footprint? According to the Nature Conservancy it’s the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our actions. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, with carbon dioxide accounting for nearly 80% of global...
Celebrating Herstory is a Win for Everyone!
In this blog, we will be highlighting some recent wins by women as well as shine a light on some women from the past you may not have heard about before.
At Motivation Excellence we have a lot to celebrate when it comes to women. Nearly 75% of our entire team is...
Of Course You Need a Personal Brand! Here’s Why (and How).
Have you ever sat down and really examined who you are? Your core values, adjectives you’d like used to describe you, your biggest strengths and why people should want to connect with you? If you’re looking to establish a personal brand, this is a must. You, as a brand,...