Technically Speaking, It’s Not About Money
When it comes to attracting the top tech talent, look further than your checkbook.
From Silicon Valley to Washington, DC, the war for the top tech talent rages on. But in a marketplace crowded with stock options and sleep pods, how can you make your organization – and your...
It’s Not a Trip; It’s An Experience
Why the smart approach to incentive travel is no longer just about the destination.
From magazines and morning TV shows to one of the most popular rewards programs in the world, there’s a lot of talk about accumulating experiences instead of stuff. And it’s gaining just as...
You’re Not Spending, You’re Investing
Channel & sales incentives aren’t expenses – they’re relationship and business builders.
The expenses associated with offering rewards, events, and exclusive experiences for distributors and channel partners can be a daunting proposition – especially if you work with a...
Why Sales Incentives Work
If you have a sales team of any kind, chances are you’ve implemented some sort of incentive or bonus plan to motivate them. Whether it was cash based (commissions, bonuses, etc.), or non-cash based (trips, prizes, points, or other awards), sales incentives play a large role...
How to Launch a Killer Channel Incentive Program
Delivering the Sales Results You Need Now
by Leslie Remenek, Business Development Director
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it is a challenge in itself simply to attract and influence customers to buy your products. (more…)