You’ve done your research, laid out your objectives, and designed your ultimate meeting experience. You’ve planned your accommodations & communications. (or, you’ve hired us to do all of this for you.)
What could possibly be left?
Measuring participant engagement levels from beginning to end.
Measuring engagement is a critical piece of meeting planning that many overlook, but shouldn’t. This is the only way to understand if your message is being heard the way you designed it.
Through thoughtful analysis throughout your event, you are able to tweak and change future content – even if it’s the next day – so that you’re reaching your full potential.
Below are our tips for properly measuring & analyzing your meeting.
Are you just checking a box to say the meeting was held? Or, are you driving engagement through a detailed analytical approach to reach new heights?[bctt tweet=”Are you just checking a box to say the meeting was held, or are you driving engagement?” username=”motivateme”]
Establish your unique business goals and key performance metrics, and track performance milestones along the way.
Is your audience actively engaged, or are you losing them during the speeches?
On-site, continually monitor audience engagement levels via pulse surveys, which provide the insight needed to tweak content to maximize impact and success. It’s also important to take a look at key operational stats to be sure the program is running smoothly.[bctt tweet=”Is your meeting audience actively engaged, or are you losing them?” username=”motivateme”]
What did participants think of the program? What was the key takeaway? Did we improve our measurement?
Once everyone has returned home, regroup and measure participant engagement and satisfaction and leverage those valuable insights to make an even bigger impact on your business.
Did your business achieve your goals? By hosting this meeting, are we driving better performance? Did the program operate within, or under budget?
Program analytics will provide measurable actionable results for your stakeholders. Are you taking an analytical approach with your meeting planning? For more tips, visit our digital brochure on creating exhilarating meetings & events.