At Motivation Excellence, we get to know each other pretty well. Many people tend to stick around for a long time once they get here. Whether someone has been here less than a year or more than 20 years, they become part of our family.
Debbie Potempa, our Purchasing Production Manager, has been with us for 23 years. She shares with us what makes working at Motivation Excellence so special, how helping others keeps her motivated, and the one thing that always makes her laugh. Read on to learn more about her or SEE her in the video below!
What’s something special about working at ME that you’d like to share?
We have grown to be one big HAPPY family!
Have a special story about a client interaction that you still smile about?
Personally going on-site for travel programs and seeing the reaction of the participants as they engage in the activities planned for them by ME.
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life?
Making someone else’s day easier or happier.
What do you enjoy doing outside work?
Drinking beer! I also love spending time with friends and family!
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
When you hear someone else laughing – it’s contagious.
If ME didn’t stand for Motivation Excellence, what could it stand for?
Magnificent Employees
What’s the most interesting former job you’ve had?
I’m not a job jumper – this is actually only the third job I’ve had in my life. I started working when I was 14-years-old, so the most interesting was probably my first job, at a donut shop – frosted donuts!
Thanks to Debbie for sharing with us! If you want to learn more about the Motivation Excellence team or the services we offer, start here.
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