Tom Betley is our East Coast Director of Business Development, based in the New Jersey/Philly area. He has many passions and loves to chat about sports, travel and family the most! He’s quick with a joke and loves to razz his coworkers whenever he can. Read below for more insights and be sure to watch Tom’s Get to Know ME video embedded too!
What’s your title and how long have you been at Motivation Excellence?
Director of Business Development – two stints totaling 15 years.
What does your job entail?
Calling on existing clients and prospecting for new clients. Helping each of them address specific business issues that call for a behavior change to impact performance.
What’s something special about working at Motivation Excellence that you’d like to share?
From the owner down through the organization we all work together in a customer-first way to ensure creative solutions based offerings but exceed expectations delivery.
What’s your favorite part of your job at Motivation Excellence?
We have an exercise called “where in the world” that we go through when we have a new or existing client and we are making suggestions on a travel experience. We usually do it over a cigar and try to match a destination with the demographics, budget and preferences of the client. FUN!
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I make 9 out of 10 foul shots with my eyes closed. Still to this day.
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
Competing. I love competition whether at golf, a board game, work achievement, or an NCAA pool.
What do you enjoy doing outside work?
Travel, golf, spend time at our campsite, spend time with our kids and grandkids.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
Rodney Dangerfield
What have you done that helped you get through the pandemic?
Lots of stuff around the house with my wife leading the charge. Stuff I used to address by saying “I gotta a guy that can do that”, I am now doing myself.
What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
Machine shop in HS. We drilled holes in metal that would eventually become heart machines. Can you spell BORING!
This month, our theme for social media is self-awareness. How do you apply self-awareness principles to your life? (you can read my blog to get info on self-awareness)
I guess the biggest change I’ve made regarding self-awareness is not reacting emotionally to something I hear or see. I am definitely more aware of listening and not reacting right away. I think my daily cigar is one of the great ways to take time to reflect.