It’s time to Get to Know Rhonda Brewer, our VP of Sales at Motivation Excellence! She’s one of the new kids on the block with our company, but has been in this industry for a long time. Read, and watch the 3-minute video, to learn more about Rhonda and her verve for life and travel!
What’s your title and how long have you been at Motivation Excellence?
Vice President, Sales and I have been with MEI for almost a year and a half.
What does your job entail?
I get to lead a team that is responsible for business development with our customers and prospects to help them engage further with their channel partners, customers and employees through incentives, loyalty and employee engagement programs. We also help them identify the right rewards for each program whether that be points, merchandise or incentive travel. We also help our clients with all aspects of meetings and events.
What’s something special about working at Motivation Excellence that you’d like to share.
What makes MEI special is the “we are all in this together approach” and truly everyone pitches in where needed to do what is best for our clients. We make decisions quickly and everyone’s voice is heard to be able to make a decision.
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I am pretty much an open book so not sure if there is an unknown talent but according to my husband I can roll my tongue and he can’t! 😃 Also, I am hoping to finish all 50 states by the end of this year. I’ve made it to 45 and will have 48 by the first part of August.
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
I am a very self-motivated person by nature. In my work life I love collaboration, I love watching a program from start to finish and seeing the successes, I love winning new clients so they can experience all we have to offer and that keeps me motivated. Personally, I think you have to take care of yourself first in order to be able to accomplish all you want and take care of others. Then, setting goals and achieving them is very satisfying.
What do you enjoy doing outside work?
I enjoy spending time with family and friends at home, at the lake or traveling, as well as running and working out.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
My sweet dog Cocoa.
What have you done that helped you get through the pandemic?
A new job here that I started 3 weeks prior to the lock down, stayed consistent with working out and had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with family.
What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I had any unusual jobs. I was a life guard at a campground for 6 years and started when I was 14. On my breaks I worked the concession stand or cleaned bathrooms. I also had my own business for a few summers in college teaching swimming in the summer in our backyard.
This month, our theme for social media is respect. How do you incorporate respect into your personal and working life? What’s the number one sign of respect to you?
The number one sign of respect for me, as well as how I try to incorporate it into my life, is living by the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”