Jillian Fehrenbach is a multi-talented hobbyist and a very helpful member of the Motivation Excellence team! In this month’s Get to Know ME edition, you can read below, and watch her video, to learn more about her love of a very specific literary genre, her nickname (the Junk Store Witch) and why she loves collaborating at home and work. Thanks, Jillian for letting us get to know you better!
What’s your title and how long have you been in the incentive industry and Motivation Excellence?
I’m a Customer Service Specialist with some of our rewards programs and also assist with writing marketing content. I have worked in the incentive industry for VIKTOR since 2016, and recently began with Motivation Excellence beginning in January 2022.
What does your job entail?
For our clients, I help administer their reward and recognition programs, and for their participants, I assist with orders. I also write incentive travel and social media copy.
What’s something special about the people you work with you’d like to share?
I’ve enjoyed meeting more coworkers as our two companies came together. What I like about our new combined team is that the individuals that make up this group are approachable and professional. Whether working together or autonomously, the vibe is positive/flexible/reliable, which makes the job even more satisfying.
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I’m really into vintage things and a pretty good ‘picker’ at thrift stores and garage sales. Before I head out to shop, friends and family have gotten into the habit of asking what I hope to find. They know I’ll usually find it and for just a buck or two. Being able to summon a Bodum milk frother or cultured pearls, for example, at secondhand stores has earned me the nickname “Junk Store Witch.”
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
I’m very visual and I like to collaborate. When I look at something, I immediately think about how to elevate it and contribute value. Helping coworkers, customers, clients, family and friends brings me joy, especially if I’m easing someone’s load.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
You mean other than thrifting? Gardening! During the spring, summer and fall, I enjoy spending my free time in the yard and at my friend’s flower farm, weeding the rows and building bouquets to sell. I also love to collect books, knit with friends, and cook from scratch.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
Goofy personalities! My husband’s wise-cracking keeps me laughing, as do my favorite funny shows: I Love Lucy, Drunk History, Derry Girls and Jimmy Kimmel Live.
What have you done that helped you get through the pandemic?
I set up an Etsy shop and joined the online community of resale marketers. I had always wanted to sell my vintage finds and found that photographing and writing about them was a nice distraction during the pandemic.
What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I was a print catalog writer for a large Christian retail chain. Following a fast-paced daily schedule, I worked with merchandise buyers, vendors and designers to conceptualize, write, and proofread bi-monthly product catalogs. It was collaboration on steroids!
This month, our theme for social media is about leadership – both being one and teaching someone else to be a leader. What aspects of leadership do you utilize?
As a mom of an adult child and a teenager, I see similarities between parenting and workplace leadership. I have learned the importance of being present and empathic no matter where I am or who I’m with. I think of a leader as someone who stays positive and encouraging while navigating change. I see a lot of value in finding constructive ways to handle stress. I try to start with a plan based in collaboration while being ready for anything. Currently, I am helping my teenage daughter learn about leadership choices she can make as she takes on her first job and volunteers in the community.