Get to Know ME with Lilly Jobes

March 13, 2023

Motivation Excellence

Lilly Jobes started as a travel program coordinator in the late summer of 2022, and everyone who has worked with her has nothing but compliments to cast her way! She may be soft-spoken, but she’s not necessarily shy. She’s also up for trying new things, experiencing new cultures and rescuing animals! Read below and watch our one minute video interview to Get to Know Lilly this month. Thanks, Lilly, for sharing a little bit about you and your life!

What’s your title and how long have you been at Motivation Excellence?

My title is Travel Program Coordinator and I have been with Motivation Excellence since August of 2022 but completed an internship with MEI while in college. 

What does your job entail?

My job entails working with the travel program manager and coordinators to get a travel experience completed with registration, participant communication, documentation, mailings, and our mobile app, Inspire

What’s something special about the people you work with you’d like to share?

All of the people I work with have been so kind and helpful since I started back in August. They have taken a lot of time to answer all my questions and make sure I feel right at home. I always look forward to seeing them in the office in Schaumburg or when I head up to the Traverse City office. 

What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?

I have no talents, but I am pretty good at doing cartwheels.

What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?

I would say my biggest motivators in my work life are not letting my team down and making sure the participants of a program have an amazing experience. Also, reminding myself of my goals and my dreams keeps me motivated to accomplish things in my personal life. At the beginning of the year, I like to create a yearly motivation board where I make a collage of all the things I wish to accomplish or work toward that year. I like to keep it somewhere I can easily look at it every day.  

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my dogs, Churro and Elvis, dancing ballet, stopping by my favorite thrift stores, and watching Cubs games during the summer. 

One thing that always makes you laugh is?

Whenever I need a laugh, I turn on The Office. Or put my dog in his onesie pajamas.  

What have you done that helped you get through the pandemic?

Graduating college at the start of the pandemic was very difficult for me so I tried to find some new hobbies and stay busy. One of my big projects I had for myself was completing my college scrapbook, which took a few months. I also enjoyed working on my garden and staying active. 

What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?

The most unusual job I have ever had would probably be when I ran activities at an assisted senior living facility. We played plenty of bingo, made lots of crafts, and had some fun parties. I got to know some amazing men and women and heard a lot of crazy stories.  

This month, our theme for social media is conflict resolution. How do you best get through a sticky situation?

Whenever I am in a sticky situation, I try to remind myself that it’s only temporary and getting upset will do no good. Being calm through a tough situation can be challenging but it always results in a better outcome in the end. If it’s a conflict with another person, I try to keep an open mind and see their point of view. If it’s something else that I am stuck on, I will try and find the answer or reach out for help.

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