How Custom Incentives & Rewards Can Revolutionize Your Employee Engagement

How Custom Incentives & Rewards Can Revolutionize Your Employee Engagement | Motivation Excellence

Motivation Excellence specializes in developing and implementing employee rewards and incentive programs. A reward points program is a perfect fit for employees and can encompass recognition and achievements. The best part is that with our personalized rewards solution, the points can be used for almost anything!  In recent years, we’ve noticed a greater focus on custom rewards within our client base. We have several ways to reward your best people in exactly the way they want to be rewarded. There’s no better incentive!

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Being an employer of choice has always had a prominent place in workforce history, but since the pandemic, adding motivational benefits to an employee package is critical. We saw with the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting, that engagement is key to keeping top talent.  Having a reward and recognition, or incentive program, in play is a great way to increase engagement. The reward structure is paramount to a program’s success. Rewards shouldn’t be a one size fits all solution.  When you offer a personalized reward to an employee the motivation to achieve the goal you want them to meet or exceed grows. If you haven’t started offering your employees the power to choose their own rewards, now is the time to start. The opportunity to earn a family vacation might be a winner for Sue, but Tom really wants to update his game room. With a reward point program through Motivation Excellence, Sue and Tom are both motivated to succeed because they can use their points on exactly what they want. 

Recognition Is a Big Thing

Whether you want to run a reward and recognition program to highlight your employees’ milestones or an incentive program to motivate them to reach higher goals, with a well-designed program you’ll find eager participants. People want to be recognized for their accomplishments. They want their employers to notice and give value to  their ideas, efforts, and loyalty. In fact, one survey among American workers revealed that 40% said they would likely put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often.

Employee recognition improves engagement. According to Gallup, companies with the highest level of employee engagement are 21% more profitable than those with the lowest levels. It comes down to a simple equation: recognition boosts engagement and engagement increases profitability.

All of this is well and good, but what does it have to do with customizing employee incentive programs? Giving people the ability to choose their reward experience is much more motivating than giving them a pin on their 20th anniversary or a gift card to the company store when they receive a great customer review. When an employee has some say in how they’re recognized, engagement flourishes and an emotional bond is established.

Applying Customization to Employee Incentives

There are many avenues to explore when it comes to personalizing employee incentives. Our online award offerings can be customized to include only certain items and categories, or you can keep the full gamut of thousands of options so employees can choose from trending electronics, sporting equipment, airline tickets and so much more! Some of our clients like to offer a select number of lifestyle upgrade packages. Each package is the same value, but focuses on a different theme, like culinary, fitness, travel and home entertainment. Our Concierge Shopping option allows point recipients to use their points nearly any way they can think of, including, vacation home rentals, college tuition for their child, lunch at a French castle…we’ve even purchased a cow at auction for a participant who wanted to give it to his granddaughter for a 4H project! 

Having a choice in how they’re rewarded  makes employees feel like they are true participants rather than just recipients of whatever reward their employers thought was best. And like everything else in the employment realm, making employees feel like an integral part of the success of your business also encourages them to take ownership of their role in it. 

Customization works because what might be important to you will not be important to everyone else on your team. Customization avoids the temptation to offer the same incentive to every employee and expect all of them to embrace it with equal enthusiasm.

Customization Is Where It’s At

Don’t miss out on retaining top talent because they’re lured to another company with better incentives. Utilizing customization when it comes to retention is a great addition to any benefits package you have. We’d be happy to take a look at what you’re doing in that arena and see if one of our solutions would create more engagement for your team. Contact us today to design your employee engagement and rewards program.