If you want to have a talk with a calming personality, look no further than Iris Huisman (pronounced Ear-ess House-man). No wonder she excels in the sometimes hectic incentive, meetings and events industry; she’s cool under pressure and makes you feel like “everything is going to be alright.” Thank you Iris for participating in our Get to Know ME segment. Read on, and watch her video, to get to know her better.
What’s your current title and how long have you been in the incentive industry?
I am a Program Manager as part of the Travel Department at Motivation Excellence. I started my career in the M&IT industry as a graduate trainee in England way back in 1997. I have had many roles in the industry since then, both on the client side as well as for a DMC and of course many years on the agency side. Wearing many different hats has given me a unique perspective when helping clients find the best solutions for their meetings and incentive programs.
What do you like about your job?
I love the variety this work provides and seeing the end result when lots of planning and creative thinking comes to fruition. Of course, the opportunity to travel is nice too; I am fortunate to have experienced many great destinations all over the world.
What’s something you want to share about the people you work with at Motivation Excellence?
The people I work with on my team at Motivation Excellence care a lot about doing what is right for our clients and providing the best service. But more than that, the team really cares about each other, and that is something that I think makes this a great place to work.
What’s a specific moment in your history that always stands out as a defining moment, and why?
Wow, that is a tough question. There have been quite a few pivotal moments in my life: moving to England when I was 18 with the plan to stay for only a year, and staying for almost 13, moving to the United States in 2006, dealing with the loss of my dad, stepdad and mum all in quick succession; all of these moments have had a profound impact on shaping me into the person I am today.
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I wish I could say that I inherited my dad’s musical talent. He was a musician all his life, but no amount of piano and flute lessons could ever get me to come even close.
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
Maybe cheesy, but my kids are my biggest motivator – showing up for them and everything they want to achieve in life has been driving me forward toward bigger and better things. I want them to know that their mum has done, is doing, and will do her best to support them.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love hiking and taking in the beauty that is all around us here in North Georgia (when it is not 100 degrees 😊). I love to run and play tennis. And if I had my way, I would live somewhere where I could go skiing regularly. I also like to read – Ken Follett has been a favorite of mine recently.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
Good comedy! I love Bill Burr and Ricky Gervais; their sense of humor speaks to me.
What’s a bucket list item you can’t wait to cross off?
I am really hoping to have the opportunity to take my kids on safari in Africa. I was fortunate to plan and operate a few programs on the African continent and it has left a lasting impression on me; I want them to have that experience too.
This month, our theme for social media is “Learning Styles.” Do you prefer to learn in a certain way? How do you make sure you’re digesting work information in the best way for you?
I think my learning style is a mixture of things; I am more of a kinesthetic than an auditory learner, but for some things, logical/analytical learning works better. To digest certain information, I am still a little old school and like to print certain documents out, so I can take notes while learning the material.