Welcome to our shiny new blog!
We are excited to introduce you to our new blog. We hope this space will give you a deeper look at what it is exactly that we do that makes us a standout company in our industry. In addition, this is where we plan to share our thoughts and ideas that will shape the world of performance incentives. We also plan to give you updates on our company activities, including the latest news, events, and partnerships. Or we may just share whatever is on our mind.
A look back
We’ve come a long way since starting our social media campaign a little over a year ago. We joined ranks with thousands (millions?) of companies worldwide, providing you with updates and info about our company in bite sized chunks. But to us, that isn’t enough.
A look ahead
2015 marks the 30th anniversary of Motivation Excellence, Inc. We’ve been going “above and beyond” for our clients for that many years – and we’re not stopping there. The addition of this blog to our website signals our dedication to excellence to you – our clients, friends, and employees. We want to ensure that you not only understand what we do (and why we do it), but that you know we’re here for you. Our social media pages & our blog are not only a place for us to tell you things; it’s a place for you to get to know us. A place to react. A place to reach out.
So go on, ask that question. Leave that comment. We’re listening.
All posts, unless otherwise specified, are written and maintained by Maggie Rimnac, editor of the Beyond Excellence Blog.