Our Core Values: Video
September 8, 2015Our core values are the things we've always lived by, but it wasn't until recently that we put them down…30 Years & Counting: An Interview with Motivation Excellence CEO Greg Lewis
August 31, 2015After leaving one of the best incentive companies at the time early on in his career, Greg Lewis decided to…MEI Volunteers at Feed My Starving Children
August 25, 2015The Motivation Excellence team had the joy of heading to a local Feed My Starving Children warehouse to pack food…Employee Spotlight: Pat
August 24, 2015August's Employee Spotlight on Pat, one of our performance management Program Managers.Does Your Merchandise Incentive Program Measure Up? 4 Things That Make Or Break A Program
August 17, 2015There are 4 major things that can make or break a merchandise incentive program.Performance Management: What It Is & Why You Need It
August 10, 2015In today’s post, we sit down with our performance management project managers, Shannon and Pat, along with Bob Graham, VP…Driven by Design: How Our Programs Measure Up
August 3, 2015Many of our clients know exactly what their goals are – they know where they want to end up –…Happy Work Anniversary!
July 31, 2015It's a thing around here: we love to recognize anniversaries. Our employees are what make our company tick, and they…Employee Spotlight: Heidi
July 27, 2015July's Employee Spotlight on one of our travel program managers, Heidi.How to Drive Impact & Engagement at Your Next Meeting
July 20, 2015Every company has meetings: some to train, some to educate, some to motivate, and some to celebrate. But in order…