Know Your Learning Style for Best Results in Life
We really never stop learning. There’s always a trendy gadget to understand or a change in work policy to incorporate or new slang in use…so truly, whether you consider yourself a lifelong learner or not, we are all forced to learn big and little things throughout life. Knowing how you learn best is critical to digesting new information and putting it to good use. Knowing how your colleagues, employees and clients prefer to learn will give you a nice roadmap to follow when you’re the one teaching the lesson.
Know How You Prefer to Learn
There are four widely recognized styles of learning:
- Auditory
- Visual
- Verbal
- Kinesthetic
Each one lends itself to preferred methods of taking in new information.
Learning Style | Preferred Method of Intake |
Auditory | Traditional lecture type presentation |
Visual | Needs to see it in graphs, diagrams, photos, etc. |
Verbal (reading/writing) | Likes taking notes and reading on own |
Kinesthetic | Wants to be hands-on, immersed in subject |
It’s important to know where on this spectrum you thrive. You can have a combination of preferred learning styles too. It’s OK to mix and match to find the right fit. For instance, when learning a language, you might prefer to hear others speak while reading along. For car maintenance, you might need to literally get your hands dirty while watching a DIY YouTube video.
To see where you fall, take a VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic) assessment.
Know How Others Prefer to Learn
It’s just as important to know how others like to learn, if you’re the teacher. Insperity offers a way to figure out someone else’s learning style from listening to their questions.
Learning Style | Questions Others Will Ask |
Auditory | Can you tell me…? |
Visual | Can you demonstrate that for me? |
Verbal (reading/writing) | Is there a manual on this? |
Kinesthetic | Can I try it myself? |
Once you’ve pinpointed your teammates’ learning styles, providing an environment where each can succeed as they absorb new information is important. Cornerstone on Demand defines workplace learning styles slightly differently than VARK and suggests the environment best suited to each type.
Learning Style | Best Environment |
Student (visual and verbal) | Learns best seeing presentations and writing notes |
The Independent | Prefers learning alone than in a group setting |
The Conversationalist | Likes background noise and talking through things |
Hands-on Learner | Wants a calm environment and be allowed trial and error time |
Cornerstone adds that when looking at diversity in the workplace, learning style is absolutely part of the equation.
Using a Variety of Methods
At the end of the day, we all prefer to learn in ways unique to our personality and level of self-awareness. Be conscious of that when you’re presenting to a client or selling to a customer. Interactions on your company website will benefit from accommodating a variety of information intake methods: page text, videos, webinars, blogs, summary graphics, full-blown case studies and podcasts.
And if you are someone who prides themselves on tackling new topics, languages, sports or hobbies, know how best to set yourself up for success right from the beginning. Just because you’re out of school, doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot more to learn!
Effective Delegation Brings Liberation to Your Workday
Are you ready to cross some items off your to-do list? Jot this at the top: “Learn how to delegate.” Then keep reading, and by the end you’ll be ready to draw a line straight through it!
The Many Benefits of Delegation
Delegation does not mean pushing your work onto someone else. It doesn’t mean you’re lazy or uninvested in a project. It does mean you’re ready to empower your team, build trust with them and be better at your own time management. There are likely tasks you must do; but just as likely, there are many jobs you can entrust to others in your organization.
Delegation offers benefits to both parties.
For you:
- Eases stress
- Frees time for other needs
- Shows trust
- Boosts engagement
- Increases productivity
For them:
- Provides skill development
- Raises confidence
- Increases teamwork
- Builds leadership
- Gives a sense of achievement
In addition, delegation can boost overall morale, improve efficiency and enable innovation. Everyone can benefit from proper allocation of tasks.
How to Delegate
Figuring out when to assign projects, big or small, is the first step to delegation success. The University of Sussex outlines nine things to think about, including:
- Defining the parameters of the job
- Clearly stating the desired results
- Agreeing on timeline and metrics of progress
- Providing feedback and open communication
What to Delegate
According to the Leadership Team article on LinkedIn, the Eisenhower Matrix is an excellent way to determine which jobs to move from your plate to another’s. Very simply, it’s suggested you group and delegate tasks that are either urgent but not important, or important but not urgent.
Urgent tasks require immediate attention. Surely you can tackle it, but if there’s someone else on your team with the skill set and flexibility, it could make more sense to ask them to take it on. Too many urgent tasks can lead to elevated stress and burn-out, so spreading them around keeps everyone fresh.
Important tasks help achieve long-term goals. These projects might require thoughtful planning and end up taking a good deal of time over a long period. As a leader, you may feel this belongs squarely in your jurisdiction, or you may know a team member who excels at this type of project management. With regularly scheduled updates, you can keep up on the progress without getting mired in the details.
The aforementioned Eisenhower Matrix link is filled with tips and strategies to keep your to-do list short and sweet.
To Whom to Delegate
This can be the very crux of eventual success. Once you’ve determined that you can move a to-do off your list, figuring out who can take it on is important. Vital Learning encourages leaders to look at a few factors when deciding to whom to give a job.
- Capabilities
- Enthusiasm
- Level of attention to details
Workload should always be a consideration too. When in doubt, given a standard level of skills, you can always ask for a volunteer. Overall, it’s important to make sure no one is being underutilized or overburdened in order to get all the benefits of delegation to fall into place.
So, now… are you ready to cross “Learn to delegate” off your list? We hope so, and good luck!
Recognizing Stellar Teamwork at Work; Our Internal Program at Motivation Excellence
At Motivation Excellence our core values are Respect, Integrity, Trust and Exceeding Expectations, or RITE2. As a leader in the incentive industry, we like to live what we recommend to others. Showing the people who matter most to your business that they matter to you is critical to increased engagement, loyalty and longevity, whether you’re talking about employees or partners outside your business. When people are more engaged with your company, they work harder to help you reach your goals.
We have an internal recognition program based on RITE2 that allows colleagues to recognize each other for exemplifying one of our core values. Everyone gets an award point balance they can use each month to reward one or more teammates. For really special recognition, they can ask a manager for a bigger award point reward. Enter Debbie and Josee.
Debbie, a 27-year veteran of our office, had a serious medical condition that required her to take several months off. Debbie is one of our jill-of-all-trades team members. Among many other things, she has a hand in quoting our creative services, purchasing supplies, working with print vendors and organizing mailings out of our on-site warehouse. She’s one of those people who you don’t realize all she does until she’s not there.

When Debbie left, Josee, our travel mailing coordinator, didn’t ask what she could do to help fill the void. She just did it. Knowing the ins and outs of the warehouse and how mailings work already, Josee stepped up to make sure all mailings, including those outside the travel department, stayed on schedule, had the proper packaging and personally assembled and shipped every one to an exacting standard. She coordinated with both internal teams and external vendors to keep the flow of work right on schedule. And then, Debbie says, she did even more.
“When time was available Josee again took it upon herself to give the warehouse a good cleaning. All the materials in stock have been organized and labeled for easy access in the future. She donated items we no longer were using so we could help others in the community,” wrote Debbie in her Exceeding Expectations award nomination.
In response, company leadership recently lifted up Josee as an example to celebrate our Exceeding Expectations core value. For Josee, she was surprised, but honored.
“She’s my friend. I’m just glad she’s healthy again. I didn’t want her to worry about anything at work. She absolutely would’ve done that for me. We all do that here. We show up to get the work done,” said Josee.
Josee plans to use her reward to make an upcoming mother-son adventure to Italy even more special. Sharing the appreciation with family makes it that much more meaningful and memorable!
Get to Know ME with Melissa Nazareno
It’s time to get to know Melissa Nazareno, our Accounting Manager. As you can read below, she sees the fun in numbers and systems, which makes her a perfect fit for her role! Read on to learn about her passions for space exploration, delegation and solving challenges. Thanks, Melissa, for participating in our Get to Know ME segment this month!
What’s your current title and how long have you been in the incentive industry?
My current title is Accounting Manager, and I’ve been in the incentive industry for 1 year with Motivation Excellence.
What do you like about your job?
I love my job because it allows me to solve business challenges and optimize operations by transforming digital and financial infrastructures. Motivation Excellence has built a supportive culture that allows for growth. I can geek out on numbers, play with systems, and have strategic impact. My job is fun, and I’m excited for our future.
What’s something you want to share about the people you work with at Motivation Excellence?
I’m surrounded by fun-loving people who have built careers around making others happy and driving positive change. Our team strives to deliver exceptional incentive experiences and innovative technology for our clients. Coming from an audit role where clients weren’t always thrilled to see me, I greatly appreciate this industry.
What’s a specific moment in your history that always stands out as a defining moment, and why?
I’ve had a collection of moments which led to a pivotal understanding: time is precious. With whom and how I spend it is sacred. I’m big on process improvement and continually work to streamline my life with this in mind.
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I’m amazing at talking to engineers and translating what they said to non-engineers. Specifically odd, but very handy in solving cross-functional challenges and troubleshooting. I’ve worked in systems implementations and my spouse is an engineer, so I’ve had a ton of practice!
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
The pursuit of truth and the quest for knowledge propels me. I love learning and trying new things to find out more about myself. Life is a sandbox, and I seek out adventure.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Being an executive assistant to three little ones means mastering the art of multitasking. While I love spending time with them, I also cherish my daily runs, accompanied by a podcast at 2x speed – it’s meditative.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
Non-sequiturs and deadpan humor.
What’s a bucket list item you can’t wait to cross off?
I’d love to watch a rocket launch – or even better, travel to space.
This month, our theme for social media is “Effective Delegation.” What are your tips on delegation?
I’m passionate about this topic. Simply being the best at something doesn’t mean you should always do it. I believe in passing on the value you can create to others, empowering them by matching the right tasks to the right people. The goal is to help someone progress from being task-focused to taking ownership. One of the most overlooked aspects of effective delegation is recruiting and maintaining a pipeline of talented people for value creation. I love lifting others up and watching them grow.
Looking Ahead with Confidence & Optimism as We Celebrate an Anniversary
There’s nothing like an anniversary that gets you to look back and forward at the same time. We celebrate 39 years in the incentive industry in September. David Jobes was part of that history for 32 years, until he passed away in July. Our company will remain owned by the Jobes family. In a recent company-wide meeting they expressed their commitment to the company, calling the team a second family, and saying the company is stronger than ever as two members of the leadership team step up to run the business.
Bob Graham and Michelle Ebner, both Vice Presidents on the leadership team, are now co-CEOs and co-Presidents. Graham has a long history in the incentive industry and at Motivation Excellence, most recently serving as VP, Client Solutions and Technology. He will focus on operations and sales, while Ebner, formally VP, Finance, will concentrate on corporate finance and human resources.
“The foundations of Motivation Excellence, which include our culture and exceeding our clients’ expectations, are solid. Michelle and I are focusing attention on running things even more efficiently so we can serve our clients at the highest standard and maximize the company’s growth potential. David had a strategic vision for the company, and we plan to keep that going,” said Graham.
The existing leadership team will remain intact and includes longtime veterans of the industry. Brad Hecht is the Sr. VP of Travel & Chief Travel Strategist, Rhonda Brewer is VP, Sales and Kelli Robb is VP, Travel Operations. All three are deeply involved with our group travel and award point program clients.
“We will honor David’s legacy by continuing our high level of service. He built an amazing culture with our clients and our internal teams, and it’s a priority to keep that alive,” remarked Ebner.
It’s heartwarming to keep Motivation Excellence within the Jobes family, and especially wonderful to have people from our work family take the reins going forward. We will continue to Inspire Extraordinary Performance through our motivating B2B and employee incentive programs and aspirational rewards solutions.
Manage Risk to Maximize Your Possibilities
We live with risk, every day, in multiple ways. Many we know about, like, running with scissors, crossing the road without looking both ways, and eating too much sugar. We make choices to avoid potentially disastrous outcomes: holding the scissors in a safe manner while walking, using a traffic light to cross the street, and hopefully, quitting bad habits that can lead to poor health.
If you’re reading this blog, you’ve already led a life full of risk management, perhaps without knowing it. Maybe you’re ready to step it up a level so that in the end, you can feel more comfortable taking calculated risks that have tantalizing rewards tied to them.
Creating a Safety Net
Business leaders often have to think ahead to try and visualize all the outcomes in a given scenario. It’s when they don’t see a potential danger that things can spin out of control quickly. An unforeseen threat can lead to a loss in profits, personal injury, a tarnished brand or worse. Outside the business environment, we also look for potential hazards. That’s why we push kids to wear helmets while riding bikes and why most states made it a law to wear seatbelts in motor vehicles. has an article that lays out five well-known strategies for managing risk. They include:
- Avoidance – not participating in harmful activities
- Saying no to the hang-gliding adventure, or shady investment
- Retention – acknowledging the inevitability of certain risks and accepting the responsibility
- Assuming a deductible, or not insuring something at all because the cost to replace doesn’t warrant it
- Loss prevention & reduction – recognizing you can minimize, but not eliminate all risks
- Installing a camera doorbell, or putting a locking bar on your car’s steering wheel
California State University, Fullerton expounds on the management strategy of sharing or spreading risk in their write-up. To thin out a risk, like losing an important document, make sure to save it in multiple places so if a computer gets damaged or a filing cabinet gets soaked with water, the information has been spread, or shared, to another location. They also suggest looking at the likelihood and severity of risks as a way to determine how much effort, and money, is put toward potential management.
In the incentive market, business leaders might choose to use Motivation Excellence’s experienced team to lessen risks associated with planning and executing an incentive program for their channel partners or sales team. Hiring an expert in any field is a great way to mitigate potential risks in areas not familiar to your own team while maximizing return on investment.
Linking Risk and Reward
There are risks we simply want to avoid, and then there are ones that tempt us with the potential for greatness! Indeed, the beauty of a well-calculated risk is in the payoff if it succeeds. In fact, writes that it’s important to recognize not all risks are negative. Sometimes taking a chance enables us to take advantage of an opportunity.
On top of a positive outcome, FloQast, a finance and accounting company, states employing risk management strategies can have other positive effects, like:
- Saving you money
- Improving quality of decision-making
- Increasing productivity
Consider the risk-reward ratio too. Is the potential reward worth the potential risk?
Taking the Smart Risk
There is more than one successful business owner who says the biggest risk you can take is to NOT take any risks at all. But of course, gambling blindly and going in with a well-thought-out strategy are wildly different. You could always get lucky with the former, but odds of success are higher over the long run with the latter. Keep these bullets in mind as you set out to manage risk in your life:
- Identify risks early
- Know what you can control
- Mitigate when possible
- Monitor and adjust as needed
And when you’re not playing with someone’s life savings or health and safety, perhaps risk-taking can be a double-edged sword of positive outcomes. If you succeed, you can lead others down the same path. If you fail, you can teach others from your mistakes. Here’s hoping all your risks pay off in the end!
Remembering David Jobes, Owner & CEO
This is a hard blog to write. The passing of David Jobes leaves a huge hole for us as his work family. Please follow this link to view the official company press release. Continue reading here to get the personal side of David’s impact on all of us at Motivation Excellence.
David was hired by our founder, Greg Lewis, seven years after the company started. In his 32 years here, he steadfastly rose to become an influential leader. He was the long-time President before buying the company in 2018.
Company culture was very important to David. Recognizing everyone’s contributions, hosting regular company gatherings, placing an emphasis on charity, supporting each other outside of work, and having a philosophy of autonomy all helped create a collaborative and respectful work environment. His door was open to anyone in the company who needed to chat on a personal or professional level. We truly do consider ourselves a family here at Motivation Excellence, and he paved the way for that.
When he built-out our headquarters he took great care to create a space that invited collaboration, creativity and social interaction. He hated cubicles. He was happiest on the days everyone was in the office, laughing and working together. He was also dedicated to being respectful of our natural resources. Much of our office space is made up of eco-friendly and vegan materials, from the ceiling tiles to the coasters.
Above all, David was committed to making sure our clients were being served with the most elevated level of standards. He was quick to provide resources to help exceed our clients’ expectations. He gave his leadership team the ability, trust and freedom to run their individual departments in the best way to accomplish this goal. He truly worked hard to Inspire Extraordinary Performance for our clients’ participants, as well as each of us.
We will surely miss his positive energy, passion for excellence and unwavering devotion to the Cubs. He was quick to laugh, share a smile or lend a helping hand both inside and outside work. He has inspired those of us who have worked with him and that’s why we know his legacy will continue to be strong within Motivation Excellence.
InFLUence is Contagious – It’s OK to Spread It!
Nowadays, being an influencer is a bona fide job in the social media universe. But being influential doesn’t always have to involve selfies, shares and likes in the brick-and-mortar world. Great leaders know the difference between influence and authority, and between arrogance and celebrating their team. If you want to gain influence in any of your orbits, set your trajectory upward and bring others with you!
Gaining Influence
Successful leaders with influence have solid credibility. They’re accessible and confident. They’re infallibly ready to point out the wins and share their contagious passion. The best way to develop all those traits is to be very deliberate about it. To build influence, use materials that can weather storms, withstand shake-ups and yet be flexible enough to expand with you. (I feel like the “The Three Little Pigs” story could be handy here.) suggests 19 tips to get you started. They include:
- Build trust
- Stay humble
- Be competent
- Set up small wins for the team
- Help others find their voice
- Utilize active listening techniques
Indeed’s article says, ultimately, helping others achieve their goals is a hallmark of an influential leader. You’re a mentor, a sounding board and a cheerleader all at once! Emotional intelligence (understanding your own and others’ emotions) is key too, according to A strong Emotional Quotient (your level of empathy, communication style, and self-awareness) only strengthens the equation.
Using Influence
The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) shares that influence is the ability to affect the behavior of others in a particular direction using tactics that connect, inspire and involve them. Networking, and specifically intentional mingling, helps a person gain social capital, which is the currency used in the influence business.
The CCL also shares that it’s important to carefully select when and how to influence others. When the moment is right, their experts recommend a three-pronged approach using tactics that appeal to the head, heart and hands. A mixture of logic and emotion can go a long way in creating gusto for an idea, a team or a goal.
Going Viral
Being a great leader is one thing. Being an influential leader is stepping up the game. And you don’t have to have “manager” in your job description to be impactful in others’ lives. Being influential is about how you make people feel and react to your guidance, motivation and leadership abilities. If you find yourself contagious with passion and enthusiasm, don’t mask it! By all means, spread it far and wide. Those who catch it will not only continue to spread it but will also be thankful to you for getting it started. Just like great leaders create other leaders, those who influence create the next generation of enthusiasts. That’s what “going viral” means in today’s lexicon, whether online or in person. Good luck!
Cultural Awareness, Competence and Intelligence – Which Do You Have?
When we speak about culture in a business setting, we are often referring to the general vibe of the company. It may be comprised of its goals, mission and vision statements, employee interactions and added non-cash company benefits, like charity days, and reward and recognition programs.
Cultural awareness, however, is a different topic altogether. Having cultural awareness, or going deeper to cultural competency or intelligence, adds to the company culture, but it’s an independent, and important, key to a successful business. The website Seek details many ways in which recognizing and utilizing cultural differences can help a company. These include:
- Striving for nuanced but clear communication
- Refining ideas around conflict resolution
- Boosting productivity and innovation with new perspectives
- Understanding when/why employees feel included and respected
If your business deals internationally, having a strong grip on cultural details is obviously extremely important. As with most things, there are levels of understanding we can strive to achieve. We will lay them out for you to gauge where you land.
Awareness – The Foot in the Door
According to culture is the collective term used to identify the customs, social behavior, and ideas of a particular people or society. Think of culture like a recipe with ingredients such as:
- Traditions
- Language
- Nationality
- Beliefs
- Community connections
- Personal identity
- Food
- Arts
Being culturally aware is the base level of understanding. You recognize your coworker or neighbor grew up with a different background that influences their current lifestyle, choices and actions. Furthermore, Georgetown University points out that cultural awareness also reflects how you react to people of other cultures when they are very different from your own.
Competency – Joining the Conversation
Like awareness, cultural competency refers to the recognition of and reaction to different cultures within your sphere and then adds in the ability to function and interact with people of different backgrounds. Diversity Atlas states that to be competent you need to be aware of your own assumptions as you interact with people. Companies that are considered culturally competent have policies that consider culture-based differences in every aspect of work. For us at Motivation Excellence, we work with people all over the world as part of our incentive group travel programs. Knowing the nuances of how people work in Thailand, versus Greece, versus Hawaii helps us pave the way for a more enjoyable travel experience for our clients.
Being culturally competent can be displayed right in the office too. Do you think about what kinds of food people don’t, won’t or can’t eat because of their upbringing, dietary needs or personal preferences? Does your office recognize holidays other than the national holidays celebrated in the United States? Your very own people can be the best source of suggestions and information when it comes to highlighting various cultures in the office – just ask around!
Intelligence – Being Part of the Solution
Shown in short as CQ, cultural intelligence is especially important for companies working in a global atmosphere. Diversity Atlas says companies with CQ are sensitive to different ways of thinking and problem solving which improves work innovation. CQ requires flexibility and adaptability and relies heavily on emotional and social intelligence.
CQ is particularly important for governments, public sector businesses and non-profit organizations. It’s a great skill set for managers to have in any business that is hiring from a diverse talent pool. According to PennState Extension, having high CQ gives leaders the ability to interpret someone’s behavior in the same way that a person’s friends or family would. In return, if an employee feels like their manager understands and respects their culture, they’re more likely to trust the manager and the company. That contentment leads to lower turnover and higher productivity.
If you’re interested in learning more about developing CQ, delves into the four traits high CQ people exhibit:
- A drive to learn about other cultures
- Knowledge of how cultures influence behaviors
- Strategies to respond to cultural differences
- Acting in culturally sensitive ways
Level Up
No matter where you are on the stairs of cultural understanding, there’s always room to move up. According to the UN, three-quarters of the world’s major conflicts include a cultural dimension. You may not be solving an equation for world peace in your own life, but having a better grasp of how backgrounds influence thought processes and reactions is a great skill to nurture.
Every year, May 21st is the World Day for Cultural Diversity, also known as Diversity Day. You can click on the link to learn more about it and how you can celebrate it in your own home or workplace. Our world cultures are becoming increasingly intertwined. Those who are interested in learning from and interacting with people from different backgrounds will always be the ones moving forward faster. It’s not always easy, but the most rewarding things rarely are.
Track Your Own Footprints to Improve Our Carbon Emissions
What exactly is a carbon footprint? According to the Nature Conservancy it’s the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our actions. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, with carbon dioxide accounting for nearly 80% of global human-caused emissions. You can actually calculate your personal carbon footprint on a variety of websites.
Listen to the Experts
Greenhouse gases are causing our planet’s temperature to rise, which is known as global warming. The gases we emit actually trap the heat from the sun inside our atmosphere. The root cause is from humans burning fossil fuels. These are some of the big ways we’ve caused the world to warm faster now than at any other point in history:
- Generating power
- Manufacturing goods
- Cutting down trees
- Producing food
- Consuming too much
- Leaving behind too much waste
There are things each of us individually can do to help mitigate our own carbon footprint.
- Avoid transportation if you can – get on that bike, or take a walk instead
- Reduce your energy consumption – are solar panels an option?
- Reuse rather than buy new – find that trendy thrift store near you
Maybe We Can Help
David Jobes, the owner and CEO at Motivation Excellence, has long been eco-minded. When he purchased the company in 2018, he introduced a “no paper policy.” Of course, we all use some paper, but we now file things in the cloud rather than in the dozens of filing cabinets we ended up selling or donating. He also used many eco-conscious options when designing our new headquarters a few years ago, including carbon-neutral floors, LED motion-activated lights, and a living wall of moss to reduce humidity and produce oxygen.
I decided to ask my colleagues what they do to reduce their carbon footprints. Maybe they’ll give you an idea or two!
Lilly, in our travel department, says she:
- Leaves reusable bags in her car so she doesn’t forget them when she shops
- Omits all animal products from her diet and lifestyle
- Loves the secondhand shops for furniture and clothing
Jillian works in our Traverse City office and collects bubble wrap from the building janitor to use for her own shipping. She also donates it to local thrift stores so they can wrap delicate treasures heading to a new home.
Josee, our warehouse coordinator, likes to:
- Hit resale shops
- Use reusable bags and water bottles
- Turn off the lights when she leaves a room
- Consume the food she buys, rather than buy so much she has to throw some away
Michelle, our merchandise buyer, opts for conservation over convenience by:
- Having fabric napkins and reusable party-ware for entertaining
- Using a cooler-type bag for office lunches, and opting for fabric bags over plastic baggies
- Switching soap dispensers to refillable ones
- Composting year-round
Allison, our sales support assistant, offers that she:
- Uses products from LastObject that replace single-use items
- Switched to LED lighting, and uses timers
- Is very mindful of fully using groceries and personal products to reduce waste
Rhonda, our VP of Sales, looks at ways to conserve energy, like:
- Driving a hybrid car
- Installing solar panels on her home
- Switching from jugs of laundry detergent to sheets that come in a recycled box
Personally, I have several things I do consistently, like:
- Waiting for multiple needs before doing an online order
- Having recycling receptacles in nearly every room
- Rinsing out glass and plastic food containers so they can be recycled rather than trashed
I’m also starting to cut up t-shirts to use in lieu of paper towels and napkins. I’m not great at using them consistently yet, but I’m working on it.
Take One Step at a Time
And that’s just it, right? We all need to work at being better stewards of our own space on Earth. Convenience is amazing, but it will never be better than healthy living in a world full of renewable resources, clean water and air, and green spaces to enjoy! So, adjust your shopping habits, switch to reusable containers, or dig your own garden this summer and watch your carbon footprint start to fade. Even if it’s just a little, you can feel good about it, and it will likely lead to more adjustments in the future. Good luck!