Relax and Take a Moment for Yourself
Our blog is updated monthly with a variety of posts that highlight our industry expertise, our employees and professional growth topics. It’s a great place to lose yourself and get inspired!
Ever feel like you run into conflict with the same person again and again? Maybe it’s a coworker, or a family member, or a friend of a friend. Sometimes personalities just clash, and it’s not necessarily always one person’s fault. (Although, honestly, we all run into people who seem to make it their goal to […]
Lilly Jobes started as a travel program coordinator in the late summer of 2022, and everyone who has worked with her has nothing but compliments to cast her way! She may be soft-spoken, but she’s not necessarily shy. She’s also up for trying new things, experiencing new cultures and rescuing animals! Read below and watch […]
Did you know one of the most popular courses of all time at Harvard is about happiness? It started in 2006 with more than 1,400 students enrolling in Psy 1504: Positive Psychology. There are multiple joy-centered Harvard courses offered today for students, and at least one business course, Managing Happiness, accessed online for free, for […]
The pinnacle of the incentive travel industry, the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence’s Crystal Awards, recognizes companies that produce remarkable travel experiences. SITE honored Motivation Excellence and our client partner, Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan, for Excellence in Incentive Travel: Europe at their global conference in New York City this week. “Being recognized by SITE […]
Sanjay Nair joined Motivation Excellence in 2022 and has proven resilient and resourceful heading up our IT needs in the Schaumburg, IL office! He’s a man of few words, as you’ll see below, which likely helps him hone his talent of being a good listener. With only a slightly firm twist of his arm, he […]
Well, folks, it’s a new year. For many, that means resolutions. And for many of those people, it means failing those resolutions within the first month. And there we have it…using the word “fail” right off the top of a new year. There are reasons people often fail at New Year’s resolutions and ways to […]
We all know how awesome having a mentor is, but did you know being a mentor is very rewarding as well? Mentors gain quite a bit from the relationship, like improving leadership and communication skills. But, you know what’s even better? According to one study, people who acted as mentors were six times more likely […]
We’re pleased to introduce AJ in our latest edition of Get to Know ME! She is new to our company, and new to this industry. Read below, and watch her two-minute video to get to know her better. Perhaps she’ll be able to advise you on better organizational methods or how to use both of […]
Trust is a huge factor in all relationships. Knowing what to expect from someone in any given situation is a fundamental element of trust. Often, trust starts out as a given, until it’s broken. That’s when huge issues can arise (or worse, fester) and cause a breakdown in communication and productivity. Building Trust Building trust […]