In Rewards and Recognition, Leadership Enthusiasm Is Critical
Both personalized rewards and travel incentives can improve engagement, boost morale, and contribute to greater productivity. But if an organization expects its incentivization efforts to pay off in the long run, there is a critical ingredient that cannot be ignored:...
Manage Risk to Maximize Your Possibilities
We live with risk, every day, in multiple ways. Many we know about, like, running with scissors, crossing the road without looking both ways, and eating too much sugar. We make choices to avoid potentially disastrous outcomes: holding the scissors in a safe manner while...
How Engaging Family Members Can Boost Your Sales Incentive Programs
The companies we work with sincerely want engaged channel partners. It is one of the reasons they offer incentive programs for channel partners. But did you know that incentivizing channel partners doesn’t begin and end in the workplace? It also extends to family...
Remembering David Jobes, Owner & CEO
This is a hard blog to write. The passing of David Jobes leaves a huge hole for us as his work family. Please follow this link to view the official company press release. Continue reading here to get the personal side of David’s impact on all of us at Motivation...
The Motivation Excellence Team Mourns the Loss of Leader David Jobes
The loss of David Jobes will be felt by all who worked alongside him at Motivation Excellence. As a leader in the performance improvement and incentive industry, David helped create an award-winning culture, as well as a competitive and long-standing company in a niche...
How Custom Incentives & Rewards Can Revolutionize Your Employee Engagement
Motivation Excellence specializes in developing and implementing employee rewards and incentive programs. A reward points program is a perfect fit for employees and can encompass recognition and achievements. The best part is that with our personalized rewards solution, the...
Get to Know ME with Kathy Krawczyk
We’d like you to meet our Get to Know ME subject this month: Kathy Krawczyk! Kathy is one of those people you meet and instantly become friends with. She’s curious, talkative and ready to connect on a personal level. She sat down for a recorded interview and provided answers...
InFLUence is Contagious – It’s OK to Spread It!
Nowadays, being an influencer is a bona fide job in the social media universe. But being influential doesn’t always have to involve selfies, shares and likes in the brick-and-mortar world. Great leaders know the difference between influence and authority, and between...
Channel Partner Incentives and Personal Motivation – The Hidden Link
At Motivation Excellence, we specialize in creating innovative channel partner incentive programs that motivate distributors, dealers, and other partners to excel. We understand the intrinsic link between channel partner incentives and personal motivation. This post delves...
Leveraging Channel Incentives to Increase Market Share
Here at Motivation Excellence, employee incentive and rewards programs are a big part of what we do. But they are not all we do. We engage with organizations to create a variety of incentive programs, including sales incentive programs and channel incentives.
We help...