Teeming with Self-esteem; Why the Right Level Is Important for Success
So much goes into self-esteem. There are external influences like how others perceive and treat you. And internal factors like confidence and self-awareness. Some people just seem gifted with healthy self-esteem, while others scream conceit or whisper inferiority. There are...
Get to Know ME with Allison Stewart
It’s one of our favorite times of each month: our Get to Know ME segment! This time we’re highlighting a new member on the sales team, Allison Stewart. Anyone who has worked with her so far knows how positive and effervescent she is. You can see for yourself in her short...
Time Management: A Quick Read to Maximize Your Ticks and Tocks
We could all use a little extra time. But, since no one has been able to figure out how to make each day more than 24 hours, we need to rely on time-tested, time management skills. You’re busy, I’m busy; so let’s get right to the heart of this subject in the least amount of...
Don’t Shortchange Yourself When it Comes to Making Changes
If the only type of change you can handle jingles in your pockets, it’s time to make some adjustments. After all, change is a constant, and learning how to lean into it can save you some aggravation and wasted time. Being resistant to big and little modifications in your life...
Conflict Resolution: Find the Solution that Works for You!
Ever feel like you run into conflict with the same person again and again? Maybe it’s a coworker, or a family member, or a friend of a friend. Sometimes personalities just clash, and it’s not necessarily always one person’s fault. (Although, honestly, we all run into people...
Get to Know ME with Jen Hurley
There are some people who just have a knack for numbers! Jen Hurley is one of those people who happens to work in our accounting department – how fortunate for us! Read and watch Jen tell us some inside info on the joys she has at Motivation Excellence and at...
Group Travel Forecast into 2022 – Plan Ahead Now
There is no doubt the travel and hospitality industries have been hit very hard through the COVID-19 pandemic. The damage ranges from critical to dire, depending on the sector.
The American Hotel and Lodging Association warned its industry is on “the brink of collapse”...
MAXRewardsYourWay: Show appreciation for stellar work in a challenging year
Generate excitement among your target audience with customizable reward packages.
MaxRewardsYourWay allows you to select the award value, while inspiring your potential recipients to work toward an instant lifestyle upgrade! Each package is filled with great items that can...
On Your Marks, Get Set, GOAL!
Between 2015 and 2018, I strung together more than three
years of daily exercise. It was more than 1,110 days actually, and no one was
more surprised by it than I!
My original goal was not that lofty. I knew I wanted to add
more exercise into my lifestyle. I happened to...
Why You Should Make Charity a Priority at Your Company in 2024
How can you encourage charity in the workplace? Here are a few suggestions we practice ourselves.