The Critical Piece of Meeting Planning You’re Missing
You’ve done your research, laid out your objectives, and designed your ultimate meeting experience. You’ve planned your accommodations & communications. (or, you’ve hired us to do all of this for you.)
What could possibly be left? (more…)
Motivation Excellence Recognizes 2015 Star Performance Award Winners
The annual Star Performance Award represents the achievement of excellence above and beyond our already exceptional standards. We proudly recognize the 2015 award winners for their service.
Take Our 2016 Budgeting Outlook Survey
As we make our way into the final month of 2015 and look onward into the wide open future of 2016, many forecasters are placing their bets on how the next year will fare financially. Earlier reports were mixed, with analysts splitting the road on whether 2016 will be dismal...
4 Ways to Say Thanks to Your Awesome Team
Aside from any formal recognition programs you may have in place, here are some informal tactics to utilize on a day-to-day basis.
Our Core Values: Video
Our core values are the things we’ve always lived by, but it wasn’t until recently that we put them down on paper. Today, Motivation Excellence President David Jobes talks about how he came up with RITE2 and what it means to us as a company.
Happy Work Anniversary!
It’s a thing around here: we love to recognize anniversaries. Our employees are what make our company tick, and they deserve to be recognized. (more…)
How to Drive Impact & Engagement at Your Next Meeting
Every company has meetings: some to train, some to educate, some to motivate, and some to celebrate. But in order to achieve the results you want, you must ask yourself the question: Am I driving impact and engagement with the audience that will deliver on the investment...